There is still time to get in on the pre-orders for my new book, Interlinear Magic: An Anthology of the…
This remarkable lunar invocation (PGM VII.756-794) often passes unnoticed in The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation because its structure, based…
Porphyry preserves the following hymn (translated in Johnston Hekate Soteira p. 140): I come, a virgin of varied forms, wandering…
Planetary hours were a development within Hellenistic and early Roman astrological practice that produced the seemingly unusual order of the…
I present here my original translation (Copyright 2019) along with the Greek text of the planetary invocations from the Hygromantia…
Friday, May 31, 7-9 PM@ New Aeon (formerly Sacred Path)1818 W 57th StIndianapolis, IN 46228, USA The Ancient Roots of…
Translation by Brian Copenhaver, “Hermes Trismegistus, Proclus, and the Question of a Philosophy of Magic in the Renaissance.” In Ingrid…